Sun Yu-Li’s illusionistic bronze ring

Sun Yu-Li is a Chinese sculptor working with bronze. During a recent trip to Singapore, I stumbled upon Abundance III, one of his most famous pieces located next to Suntec City.

Sun Yu Li 1

Spotted from far away, the greenish and smooth bronze ring looks big, bold and proud. It is begging for attention. It wants me to come closer. To touch. To climb.

Sun Yu Li 2

But, something isn’t right here. For each step I advance, the ring becomes smaller, thinner and skewed. I snap some more photos.

Sun Yu Li 3

Sun Yu Li 4

Sun Yu Li 5

Sun Yu Li 6

I walk around, stop and ponder. Sun Yu-Li’s ability to simulate a three-dimensional appearance is obvious. Things aren’t always what they appear to be. I’m impressed.