About Robin

Occasional painter. Golfer. Fascinated by humanity. Passionate about beautiful stuff, the people who create it and its narrative.

The Lockdown Diary – Day 25

Geneva, Thursday 9 April 2020

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Copyright: Flipboard

Today’s news is full of interesting snippets. Boris Johnson is out of intensive care. There is a cease-fire in Yemen’s brutal war; the agreed aim is to facilitate management of the pandemic there. Cats have been found to carry the coronavirus and cat-owners are advised to keep Paws indoors. Dogs are OK apparently. The Geneva-based, Trump-bashed World Health Organisation is warning of a global surge in fake medicines on the back of the pandemic. I guess DT might label this as fake news! The Asian stock markets are recovering as a result of the clear downturn in the number of COVID-19 cases in China. Understandable. Elsewhere, shares in companies that deal in, among other things, cruise holidays have taken an upturn. Not understandable. But then, this sort of thing has always been a mystery to me. A friend who knows about such matters thought that maybe “the algorithms” were never written to accommodate an event such as a pandemic. Struggling with that one!

My incomprehension – or maybe distrust – of the world of high finance was not helped by a telephone call I received at 15:00 on 9 March or “Black Monday.” (This was the day that saw the greatest stock market losses since the Great Recession fuelled by investor panic over the looming pandemic and the war of words between Russia and Saudi Arabia about oil prices.) The call came from a “personal finance adviser” at my bank here in Switzerland; he was enquiring as to whether I might want to discuss the opportunities offered by the bank’s new investment portfolio. One of us was clearly missing something. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I suggested he might want to take a quick peek at a reliable news outlet. I will not name the bank. 

Pandemic-related image-of-the-day is a collage of photos taken by London-based photographer, Dan Giannopolous. He is fascinated by how the pandemic has made rubber gloves a major component of the litter on Britain’s streets. Awful photos. Great image, Dan. Thanks.

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Copyright: Dan Giannopolous 2020

Talking of creative stuff…… The weekend before France went into lockdown, my wife and I were beaten in the final of the Leman Mixed Foursomes Matchplay by Michelle and Phil from Chamonix; two extremely competent and competitive golfers. At the prize giving, (where we all thought we were being so savvy by bumping elbows instead of shaking hands!) I asked Michelle what she does for a living. It turns out that this lady has talents far beyond golf. Originally from Hawaii, she travelled through the French alps some years ago and simply hasn’t moved on. The environment inspired her interest in jewelry-making. I asked her if she had any photos of her work. Out came the iPhone and OMG! Better still, she had a ring or two in the car to show us. The impromptu display sent a number of lady golfers into quite a tizzy. You will understand why.

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Michelle Webster, “Aiguille du Midi” ring in sterling silver and Chamonix crystal

Michelle’s pièce de résistance is this three-part engagement-wedding ring. It is simply stunning. It features a nearby alpine range. The “sky” makes space for a brilliant orb of Chamonix crystal that has been plucked from the rocks high above town and then machined by Daniel, a local gemologist. See more of Michelle’s beautiful stuff here.

The putting match….. Abandoned this evening because of hunger and poor light after the fourth play-off hole. Both of us sunk 20 of 22 putts! To be continued tomorrow.

We’ve just heard through informal channels that the Swiss lockdown is likely to be extended from 19 April to 26 April. We might head out to the near-illicit-lockdown-stay-at-home-street-non-party later this evening. That’s sure to cheer us up.

Q: How many Brits in lockdown does it take to change a light bulb? A: As many as there in the house. Just one holds the bulb and the rest drink until the room starts spinning!

The Lockdown Diary – Day 24

Geneva, Wednesday 8 April 2020

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For the last week or so, I’ve noticed beefy blokes in hi-viz orange hanging around our park. I didn’t really give it much thought. Maybe I should have. This morning, there was a ramping up of this presence; The vehicles were the giveaway: the Civil Protection unit.  

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I had never noticed, so close to where I have lived for 24 years, that right among the trees on the far edge of the park, there is an underground entry to something big enough to have a drive-in entrance. Today, I see there is, in fact, a very discrete Civil Protection sign. An opportunity to ask one of the hi-vizzers what all this was about presented itself. As I approached, he was making admirable headway into a fistful of sandwiches; it was clear he needed to keep his not inconsiderable strength up for whatever protective task he might be assigned. I asked him what he and his buddies were there for. He took two steps back; whether he saw me as a potential contaminator or was simply appalled by my heavily accented French, I don’t know. He answered though without interrupting his lunch. “We’re here to assist the population in the event of a national emergency!” he stated through a spray of crumbs and mature Gruyère. “May I ask what’s down there?” I enquired politely indicating the ramp down which a Civil Protection vehicle had just disappeared. “A shelter for the population in the event of a national emergency!” he replied with dogmatic authority having moved on to a plum jam doughnut. “Is it a big shelter?” I asked, now intrigued. “Yes.” he replied. “Is there food and water down there?” I asked. “Yes.” he replied. “Chocolate?”I asked. He smiled. “Beds?” I persisted. “Yes.” he replied. “How many?” The last nourishing morsel at the bottom of the paper bag suddenly took all his attention. 

Then I started to piece things together. On our side of the park, only about fifty metres from our front door is a very discrete low concrete structure. Yesterday, it was open and I could see some steps going underground. There were a number of vehicles from the Services Industriélles de Geneve (SIG) – the outfit that brings us our water, gas, electricity and internet connection. The distance between the SIG guys and the Civil Protection guys was all of 200 metres. The penny dropped! Our park is the roof of one huge underground shelter and all this preparatory activity must have something to do with the COVID-19 pandemic!

I shouldn’t be surprised really. Switzerland, since the early days of the cold war, has been massively prepared for national emergencies; in particular, nuclear war and threat of invasion. Consider this: in 1963 the Swiss Federal Law on Civil Protection stated “Every inhabitant must have a protected place that can be reached quickly from his place of residence” and “apartment block owners are required to construct and fit out shelters in all new dwellings.” A survey published in 2006 found that Switzerland had about 300,000 nuclear shelters in homes, institutions and hospitals, with about 7.5 million places, as well as 5,100 public shelters adding another 1.1 million places. This meant that there was adequate shelter for 114% of the population!

The measures to fend off the threat of invasion of Switzerland are no less radical. Every Swiss male between 19 and 34 is in the army and has his uniform, rifle and ammunition at home. In the 1950s, the army carved hangars and airbases out of those lovely mountains and strengthened sections of highways for runways. Strategic points near border crossings have pre-dug holes into which explosives can be dropped to blow the roads in case of imminent invasion. Some of those pretty chalets along the lake road up to Bern are, if one looks closely, massive concrete bunkers; the green window frames and lacy curtains have been painted on. It is no surprise then that this tiny peace-loving neutral country spends more per capita on its military than any other. Switzerland, it would seem, is prepared for pretty much any kind of national emergency. Apart from being pretty and clean, it is also a safe place to be. I am very pleased that, of all locations to do lockdown, I can do it here.

Wait a minute though… I would have thought being confined in an underground shelter with hundreds of others would not be the best place to practice social distancing. Furthermore, I can’t see how the military’s preparation to deter potential invaders can fend off the coronavirus as it has already snuck over the border undetected. Nevertheless, there is talk of mobilising the army… but to support the health services. Fair enough! But maybe the authorities are also considering the possibility of civil unrest? I have no doubt at all that the Swiss army’s response to this eventuality would be swift and efficient. 

There are five businesses that are booming as a result of the lockdown: games, whether indoor or outdoor, like scrabble and badminton; gardening stuff especially seeds for vegetables; reading material both electronic and in print; bicycles; and electrical appliances such as fridge-freezers, televisions, laptops and gaming consoles. Makes sense.

A glorious victory to me on the putting mat winning 2 and 1 (I sunk 16/17 putts.) That’s 12 games to 6.

Hoping you are all well, safe and calm. We’ll get through this.

The Lockdown Diary – Day 23

Geneva, Tuesday 7 April 2020

The news gets no less bizarre. The UK’s Prime Minister is in intensive care with COVID-19. Most regrettably, less than twenty-four hours beforehand, we publicly named our new and petulant sourdough starter “Boris.” O Dear! We hope this causes no offence. We join many others in wishing Mr Johnson – and indeed all those hospitalised by this virus – a speedy recovery.

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Copyright: Getty Images

Also yesterday, a Malayan tiger called Nadia in a zoo in New York showed symptoms of and tested positive for infection by the coronavirus. It is believed she caught the infection from an asymptomatic zoo-keeper making this the first proven human to animal transmission.

Whilst noting advice on-line not to get too absorbed by stats, I can’t help looking at the Johns Hopkins site. It informs me that new cases per day in Switzerland have levelled off. Are Italy, France and Spain doing likewise? The stock markets seem to be reacting favourably. We can but hope.

At a local level, the 21:00 stay-home party of the residents of the apartment block on the other side of the park is louder than ever. It draws a small but near-illegal crowd out on to the car-less street. We can hear that the inhabitants of other buildings are now likewise rockin’ the town. Bella Ciao! 

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I jog around the park early most mornings. I noticed today that my fellow joggers have worn a new track two metres from and parallel to the main path maintaining the required distance from walkers. Respect! 

Here’s my latest lockdown painting. Inspired by other spring-time happenings on our balcony, this is “Pigeon love!” Blue for Boys Are Back in Town (Thin Lizzy;) Pink for Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! (Cindy Lauper.) Room for improvement, I know, but this diary is a bit of a soul-baring exercise. 

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Pigeon Love 35cm x 35cm Neocolour and watercolour mix

We missed our putting competition yesterday. Its resumption today saw a total loss of putting mojo on my part. I lost 5 and 4 missing 7 of 14 putts. That’s 11 games to 6 in my favour; but I’m not sure for how much longer I’ll stay ahead.

Us humans, having such a short attention span, have understandably been distracted away from the other great challenge facing us all, climate change. The Geneva winter has passed without a single flake of snow in town; this is a first. Also unprecedented, we played golf in nearby France throughout the whole of January and February. Now in lockdown, during this first week of April, it is warm enough to have dinner on our balcony; this also has never happened before.

Looks like the future is not what it used to be!