Art Geneva 2017 opens on a frozen lakeside

…ide, I might even be able to make it roll in a semi-circle by a kind of lop-sided hamster-wheel effort. Really! How do people think these things up? I can only admire the fantasy-addled mind that created this three-chimneyed hobbit house with its five rooty entrances. If I was rabbit-sized I would hop in without doubt. What I love about it is that the invoked fantasy places me as the in-dweller observing today’s vicious elements from behind the th… Continue reading

Four Fabulous Women

…th. Her dignity abused after death. Ellen, imprisoned by men. Went on to become the first female leader of an African country. I’m not feeling great about the collective Y chromosome thing. I extend my search. I reflect on the extent to which the lives of famous women been adversely affected or even determined by violent men or men with power or authority? (And then why should I focus only on famous women??) I go to Google, type in “famous women”… Continue reading

Dry Stone Bridges in Sutherland, Scotland

…bit of antiquity. Does or should some kind of preservation order apply in the event of maintenance or upgrade of the track? I try to contact the office of the estate concerned but without success. An internet search reveals nothing about these bridges (but I find there are courses on how to make one!) Is there an engineer-historian out there who knows about them? It would be great to hear from you…. Continue reading