The Lockdown Diary – Day 15

…ticed that we are no longer glued to the news nor seek updates of the COVID-19 stats coming in from every corner of the world. We get up and have breakfast. I write this diary and maybe draw or paint. My wife tele-works. We have lunch together. We do our little putting competition. We walk or jog in the park. We have dinner together with a glass of wine. We speak to friends and family. Yesterday evening, we realised that we have already establishe… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 24

…ult of the lockdown: games, whether indoor or outdoor, like scrabble and badminton; gardening stuff especially seeds for vegetables; reading material both electronic and in print; bicycles; and electrical appliances such as fridge-freezers, televisions, laptops and gaming consoles. Makes sense. A glorious victory to me on the putting mat winning 2 and 1 (I sunk 16/17 putts.) That’s 12 games to 6. Hoping you are all well, safe and calm. We’ll get t… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 52

…ry cleverly marketed talent. Mum and Dad thought the music was anyone-could-do-that noise with absolutely no redeeming features. It was nothing like Glen Miller or Benny Goodman (let alone Mozart!).   So what was it that so shocked my parent’s generation other than the fact that the music was simply beyond the pale. The disapproval went way beyond. It was the whole package represented by these brazen young superstars. They were clearly about to ha… Continue reading