The Lockdown Diary – Day 8

…oacal contact did seem a bit brief. We decided that over the days we would undertake a deep clean of the apartment. We have discovered what many will already know. It’s hard work! Indeed, it is very good exercise especially mopping the floor. There are websites galore that promote using domestic chores as exercise. But one bit of science in this domain caught my eye. Harvard researchers Alia Crum and Ellen Langer (1) set out to test how we perceiv… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 15

…ticed that we are no longer glued to the news nor seek updates of the COVID-19 stats coming in from every corner of the world. We get up and have breakfast. I write this diary and maybe draw or paint. My wife tele-works. We have lunch together. We do our little putting competition. We walk or jog in the park. We have dinner together with a glass of wine. We speak to friends and family. Yesterday evening, we realised that we have already establishe… Continue reading