The Lockdown Diary – Day 3

…rise, we would see a classic exponential population growth curve that, non-coincidentally, is exactly the same as the up-phase of an epidemic curve (with which we are now all so familiar!) But…. without cooking and just leaving the dough in the bowl, they would continue to multiply for a while. Then, as they run out of resources and poison themselves with their own waste products such as lactic and acetic acids, their numbers would level off and… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 41

…passenger and was squeezed into a gap between boxes of hospital supplies. Under a huge African sky, the pilot flew just above the tree tops to avoid our being picked up by the government’s Soviet-made radar. The plane had no GPS. The co-pilot had a map on his knees. The intrepid pair assured me that they would find the airstrip but they might have to fly around the area a bit. Eventually they spotted it… and spotted a problem. A herd of elephants… Continue reading

A Piece of Cake – 2

…s each covering a ninety degree arc. It was the latest version of the iCare-Companion. He hadn’t wanted one despite being relatively up to speed on IT matters; it was simply that he was reluctant to have a direct interface with artificial intelligence. Mark plugged the device’s charger into a wall socket. “Let’s see if it walks the talk?” He touched the top. A discrete blue light came on at the base. “Hello,” it said. “I’m your iCare-Companion.” “… Continue reading