A Piece of Cake – 4

…mined, the faster, the more accurate and therefore the more useful they become. In this way, computational intelligence mimics the human brain. This is called deep learning. It drives how I can help you best and at the same time determines the quality of our relationship. It allows us to become friends, George. I hope it will help me to understand humour. Does this give an adequate explanation?” “Thanks, Buster. Gosh!” said George. “I understand Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 8

…t how we perceive our activities and how this perception can change the outcomes. Specifically, they wanted to test different perceptions of household work as exercise on weight loss. They looked at hotel housekeepers who are generally very active throughout the day. However, 67% of the maids claimed they never took any exercise at all. Measurements of their body fat, waist-to-hip ratio and body/mass index indicated outcomes similar to their perce… Continue reading

Big Bang Data

…llion personal profiles on Facebook to create characters on a false dating website, Lovely-Faces.com, classifying them by their facial features. With “Stranger Visions,” Heather Dewey-Hagborg has 3D printed human faces based on DNA that she obtained from objects such as chewing gum and cigarette butts collected in public places. What I learn is that the volume of data generated by our everyday lives is booming in lockstep with the capacity to anal… Continue reading