Sebastião Salgado’s penguins (and other social animals)

…t with this morning’s news screaming the awfulness of Iraq, Gaza, Ukraine and Syria, I’m happy to be reminded of a common attribute that binds us social animals together rather than the all too common brutality that pulls us apart. Question: Can images alone bring about change in the world? Answer: Yes! If they are photographs taken by Sebastião Salgado…. Continue reading

A Piece of Cake – 14

…the Soviet Union overran the Japanese army in Manchuria. Scholars who have examined Japan’s official records of those days found that the Imperial Command decided to surrender to the United States because under no circumstances would surrender to the Soviet Union be acceptable.” “Bit of a myth buster, that one, Nelson!” said Will. “Yes,” continued Nelson. “Of course, a country suffering a nuclear weapons attack may lose the means to indicate a des… Continue reading

Discovering David Stacey’s natural world

…eved myself qualified to make such judgements but nonetheless was eager to test my ideas by asking the artist himself. David, from Sydney, came to Kuranda already a lover of Nature in the 1980s. He confirmed to me that he spends much time in the bush and rainforest walking the tracks and studying the species. He uses a headtorch, like me, to find and encounter the nocturnal species such as the wonderful Waterfall Frog – Litoria nannotis in this pa… Continue reading