Geneva, Thursday 23 April 2020
The clapping for carers here in Geneva each evening at 21:00 is getting shorter and less energetic. I have the impression that people feel the end is in sight. We may even get on a Swiss golf course on 1st May.
European governments, taking hope from China and South Korea, are beginning to lift some of the imposed lockdown measures. At the same time, there are strong messages from the German government, the UK government and the WHO that the story is far from over and that some measures will need to be maintained until the end of this year. Some experts are predicting that the required public health / economic balancing might entail a series of stop-start measures. Whatever, focus will be on protecting those most vulnerable and emerging mortality statistics would indicate that care homes constitute the bull’s eye of COVID-19.
Boris, my wife’s sourdough starter delivered the goods today. Delicious golden crust. Very professional. Donald waits in the wings, though; quietly fermenting and fomenting.

Thinking that golf may not be too far away, here’s a little painting I did a few years back. It’s called “iDrive.”

Thinking of our cancelled hiking fishing holiday in NZ, I bought a small light-weight spade for camping; it’s called an “iPood”!!