The COVID Chronicles – 13

…be achievable. The most likely long term scenario is that COVID-19 will become just another common and mild flu-like illness that seriously affects only those who have not been vaccinated. Vaccines may have to accommodate variants and so vaccination programmes may have to be repeated. The over-arching and achievable objective of our public health authorities is not to eliminate transmission but to reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections so lim… Continue reading

Celebrity Beautiful Stuff

…used terms like “less-than-museum-level-artwork” and “art connoisseurs may question the quality.” Here’s my opinion: the man who has probably had the greatest influence on modern music (No Dylan, no Beatles!) has put paint on paper. The result resonates mysteriously with his music. In other words: THIS IS BOB DYLAN’S STUFF! Whatever the New York art critics say, New York art collectors seem to agree and are prepared to pay up to $300,000 for one o… Continue reading

“Evicted” by Blandford Fletcher

…own the world that it portrays? Detail of “Evicted” What I have no need to question is that it attracts me because it is Beautiful Stuff, masterfully executed by a man who could draw, who understood composition, use of colour and whose immense skill with his chosen medium is undeniable. The subject matter does not attract me as it shows a sad widow and her daughter being evicted from their home in Steventon in Berkshire by the Bailiff with village… Continue reading