A glimpse of the inner Lillias August

…o a latent and strong desire to put a viewer of her work out of his or her comfort zone. With both “Decommissioned” and “Amnesty” she achieves this with flare and intelligence. Lillias August “Amnesty” Water colour 96cm x 41cm Jasper Johns said that “pop art” means to take something and add to it. Tongue in cheek, I ask Lillias if she would accept the label of “pop still-life water colour artist.” To my surprise she would. She concedes that this i… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 27

…corona virus reported each day is falling.” The Johns Hopkins coronavirus website shows graphs to support both statements. Whilst the first statement clearly justifies the extended lockdown; the second shows we are probably past the peak of the epidemic curve and so might lead people to think that the job is done, the pandemic has passed, and the extension to the lockdown is unnecessary…. so let’s party! If I were in charge of communicating the S… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 44

…n, guys… Get a grip! Screen shot from the “Health” section of the BBC news website 28.4.2020 The Royal College of Pathologists retains multiple such images on their home page. The American Society for Microbiology has a real corker. I haven’t seen this coral-hued beauty before. Unfortunately, the work experience lad’s page layout makes it look like the Society might be offering career advice to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. I mean… Does this little… Continue reading