The Lockdown Diary – Day 44

…makes it look like the Society might be offering career advice to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. I mean… Does this little tinker really needs tips on how to get ahead?  Given all that, fantabulistic coronavirus image of the month has to go to the Reuters photographer who snapped this Indian tuk-tuk. Maybe the driver is someone from the local Society for Microbiology? Copyright: Reuters France’s Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, says the country’s lo… Continue reading

The COVID Chronicles – 1

…two. I fear it will.  Photo: ABC News We’re familiar with images of hungry-for-visibility political wannabees standing in the background when the President makes an important statement. But why would a senior doctor drag his colleagues out of hospital – still in scrubs and unrecognisable anyway in masks – to back him up when he gives waiting journalists some inconsistent snippets of medical non-news about Mr Trump’s condition? Does having what lo… Continue reading

The COVID Chronicles – 18

…rding to friends there, going through a process of rediscovery. Those happy-go-lucky kiwis are finding places and community as they were before being swamped by hoards of inconsiderate overseas tourists (like me.) Life, it seems, is just a box of fluffy ducks. And there is good news elsewhere. Despite disruption of their formal education, children are reading more books as a result of the lockdowns. The property market is booming in many countries… Continue reading