Miriam Kerchenbaum and the Dragon

…gon in his childhood! Illustration for “The Dragon,” 2013. The adult dragon-in-power has perfected his forced smile and the means to drain people’s souls. Illustration for “The Dragon,” 2013. Miriam’s work is difficult to describe. Resist the temptation to refer to it as childish. It evokes words like absurd, grotesque, humourous, visceral, imaginative and intriguing. Whatever, all her work is carefully composed and beautifully executed. The appar… Continue reading

The knives of Blackbird Valley

…the ground in front. I walk over fragments of old circular saw-blades, cut-up bandsaw-blades and vehicle springs. It is difficult to believe these can be transformed into beautiful glistening knives. Also strewn around are deer antlers from trophy stags for the knife handles. This is the uncut raw material of Ross’s beautiful stuff. Ross displays his knives on a deer-skin. He recites the provenance of each blade whether Honda leaf-spring, circula… Continue reading

Five photographers at Galerie Cimaise

…l’s chic, cool and feminine “Blink 1″, “Blink 2″, “Blink 3″ and “Blink 4″. Immediately on my right is “Douceur discrète” by Sylvie Schaffhauser. I am intrigued by this delicate, fragmented and uprooted image. It leaves me uneasy. It is the first of Mourad’s sales this evening. One wall is dedicated to four diptychs by Susanne Echeverria; each comprises a square portrait and a square landscape. These two juxtaposed images are “Indiscernable trouble… Continue reading