The Lockdown Diary – Day 10

…is friendly and firm but polite. At home, she uses this voice only for two questions. “Did you save it?” and “Have you tried switching it off and back on again?” Of the different books that provide a platform for her laptop, I recommend “The Lost Art of Putting” by Gary Nichol and Karl Morris. The authors cast light into the dark corners of putting’s mental game. It is entirely down to this book that I have today edged ahead in our daily competiti… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 18

…es,” little hope for the Open Golf Championship on 16-19 July. Our putting competition continues despite the spirits being a tad dulled by the incessant stream of disconcerting news. Today, I won again – just – (1 up) taking the running total to 10 games to 4. “Do you think that one day, if I were no longer around, another man might eventually live in our house?” asks the husband. “It’s possible.” replies the wife. “Do you think that one day, if I… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary – Day 40

…deemed professionally negligent. We were given some knee-tremblingly awful examples of just how badly things can go wrong. I wonder…. If a President of a country – surrounded by medical advisers – gives a whole nation unsolicited medical advice on TV about treatment of a certain condition and that advice is both wrong and dangerous, what responsibility does he have for any deaths that might arise from people following his advice? It would be stran… Continue reading