The Lockdown Diary โ€“ Day 53

…ed and the exotic nibbles were laid out. At 17.30, I was sure nobody would come. At 17.45, I thought I would be sick. At 18.02 five people walked in. Guy told me he had come prepared to note any buyer’s name and contact details and to take a deposit. I thanked him and assured him that nobody would want to actually buy one of my paintings. He smiled. By 18.30, dozens more had arrived. By 20.00 the place was jammed.  We had one small rather unintere… Continue reading

The Lockdown Diary โ€“ Day 34

…but also, more importantly, buying time. Time allows systems to be tried, tested and to become resilient. This resilience permits the system to function effectively under overload; the physical and mental well-being of health-care workers can be preserved. Indeed, in my experience, if the system functions in an overload crisis, working within it can be a totally uplifting experience.  The term “triage” is often applied to a situation where health… Continue reading

The COVID Chronicles – 2

…spreading the disease. Face masks possibly reduce the chance of serious outcome if a person nevertheless becomes infected by reducing the infective “viral load.” The most effective face masks are those made of two layers of material, are close fitting and are washable. The simple act of people wearing face masks may result in less risky behaviour. Credibility is not only important in relation to data and science. Images that accompany COVID-19-rel… Continue reading