Catherine Kirchhoff at Galerie ID

…very precise drawings. In adult life, she became fascinated by the design component of advertising. When in New York she realised her talent for working with big bold colours. The flash-of-light moment in which her signature theme was born was in a supermarket. She looked closely at the image of a food item on its packet. The image bore little resemblance to what was inside. Bingo! The stars aligned. Her work is now sought after. No surprise then… Continue reading

The Ecstasy and the Agony of Paulo Tercio

…of St Andrews Fulham” 2013 Oil on linen, 75cm x 60cm In 2013, Paulo won a commission for a permanent alter piece at St. Andrew’s Church, Fulham. This fabulous work shows the virgin sporting an exquisite orchid and the child whose halo has yet to reach its full iridescence; he casts a sideways, quizzical glance at his mother as if he already knew what life held in store for him. The scene seems to be watched over by two larger and darker forces. F… Continue reading

Rio 2016 through the lenses of four photographers

…the photographers admit that they are constantly exploring new angles, new compositions, new techniques and new narratives even though they’ve been in the business for many years. What a contrast between these two images: women’s hockey and women’s golf! The video interviews of the four photographers fascinate me: “Sometimes winners have this different face before they win, it’s really exciting. I like to play with that photographing the moment be… Continue reading