The conversation goes something like this: “I was fascinated by the TBS post on celebrity beautiful stuff, Robin, but what about ******* ” I then have to admit that, whilst obviously recognising the name, I didn’t know that ******* painted. The story of celebrity paintings continues… with some surprises!
I am drawn to Sylvester Stallone’s paintings. They are a kind of raw reflection of the Rambo – Rocky people he has brought to the big screen. Biceps bulge. Abs abound. Just so macho! I love his little inserted symbols that combine male circle-arrow and clock face. Is this about his fear of masculinity diminishing with the passage of time? Despite all the testosterone, there is nevertheless a universal-lovey-heart symbol under the pumping left pectoral muscle! A masterly touch is the partial frame accentuating those big square world-saving shoulders.

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Proof that it really is a self-portrait!

“Time Hands” by Sylvester Stallone. Year unknown. Photo copyright: Galerie Gmurzynska.
The critic who, on seeing Stallone’s paintings, said “Sly, keep the day job!” clearly didn’t realise that, first, Sly probably doesn’t need the day job, second, Sly has, in his own way, put his day job out there on canvas and, third, Sly sells his works for more than $45,000.
What does a moderately talented water-colourist have to do for his or her work to be the subject of a series of British postage stamps?
Answer: be the next in line for the British throne!
Prince Charles has painted all his adult life. His work is accomplished, eye-comfortable and conservative. It’s not terribly imaginative. However, it’s good for stamps although I’d prefer an original Sly on my wall!
Whose rather dull paintings would you not want on your wall even though they sell at auction for $tens-of-thousands?
Yes, Adolf Hitler painted. He tried to get into art college as a youngster. He then thought about architecture but other career choices obviously presented themselves.
In the previous post about celebrity beautiful stuff, I argued that celebrities’ paintings were worth more in financial terms precisely because they were done by celebrities. No other explanation needed. Would I want to own an original Hitler? No. Would I put a Hitler on my wall? No. But his paintings also command vast sums in the market place. Does this mean that notoreity does it for us just as well as celebrity?