Lockdown Beautiful Stuff – Part 15

…silent enemy. Fear. Government incompetence. The discontent made us all tinder-dry and fire-ready. George Floyd’s death was the spark. Now we have an enemy upon which we can vent our anger. Racism. The flames are global and serious like COVID-19. Protests may yet cause a resurgence of the pandemic. I sit in Geneva, Switzerland. Comfortable. Liberal. Quiet. I’m angry. Someone wiser than me once said that the biggest mistake you can make is to do no… Continue reading

The 2015 Geneva International Motor Show and Bentley’s work in progress

…A sporty-chic young lady? A young man in the pre-ferrari stage of his petro-development? This is the interior of the GEA G Giugiaro. Anonymity, masculinity and comfort. If you want to go for something at the top-end of the chauffeur-driven range, here it is. Well, that’s what I think until I come across….. …. the RR stand. O… M… G…!! Would you really take this to the shops? Or to the beach? I adore those little peek-a-boo curtains! Fourth observat… Continue reading

Celebrity Beautiful Stuff: 2

…rince Charles has painted all his adult life. His work is accomplished, eye-comfortable and conservative. It’s not terribly imaginative. However, it’s good for stamps although I’d prefer an original Sly on my wall! Whose rather dull paintings would you not want on your wall even though they sell at auction for $tens-of-thousands? “The Courtyard of the Old Residency, Munich” by Adolf Hitler, 1914. Yes, Adolf Hitler painted. He tried to get into art… Continue reading